Paper title:
  Comparative Analysis of Temporal Representations in the Folk Calendar of Romanians and Ukrainians of Bukovina
Published in:
Issue 2 (Vol. 27) / 2021
Publishing date:
Antoniy Moysey, Valerii Kapeliushnyi, Antonina Anistratenko,
Tetyana Nykyforuk

The study draws the readers' attention to the comparative analysis of the traditional concept of time for Romanians and Ukrainians in Bukovina, based on extensive research conducted by ethnographers during the nineteenth and twenty-first centuries. Temporal representations are reflected at the structural level, investigating the units of measurement for time: year, season, month, days of the week, day-night alternation. The authors highlighted the ways of establishing the popular calendar, including the role played by climatic conditions, the seasonal evolution of flora and fauna in structuring the time.
Time, Folk calendar, Romanians, Ukrainians, Bukovina, Year, Season, Month, Week, Day.

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