Paper title: | Election Programs and Political Slogans in Kazakhstan |
DOI: | |
Published in: | Issue 1 (Vol. 28) / 2022 |
Publishing date: | 2022-07-31 |
Pages: | 115-144 |
Author(s): | Murat Nassimov |
Abstract: | During each election campaign, political parties use election programs and slogans to identify the direction, aims, and tasks of the political party, as well as the means of implementation and activities to be addressed. The slogan of each election campaign is necessary to create a party image. This article examines the election programs and slogans of the Republic of Kazakhstan's political parties from 1999 through 2021, covering the key concepts, views, and slogans of each election campaign. As a result, the review of the election platforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan's political parties exposes social issues. Finally, a comparative table of the approach to social challenges by the five political parties in Kazakhstan is provided. |
Keywords: | Kazakhstan, election programs, slogans, political parties, campaign, democracy, nationalism. |
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