Paper title:
 Woodrow Wilson’s “Fourteen Points”: Between the Diplomacy and Propaganda (Origins of the Liberal Paradigm)
Published in:
Issue 1 (Vol. 28) / 2022
Publishing date:
Volodymyr Fisanov, Natalia Nechaieva-Yuriichuk, Oleksandra Hissa-Ivanovych
The study investigates the sources and peculiarities of President Woodrow Wilson’s “Fourteen Points” in the context of the diplomatic and propaganda attack of the Entente states on Austria-Hungary and Germany. On January 5, 1918, the President of the United States proposed a liberal model of post-war reconstruction, which contradicted the old ideas of monarchical and colonial powers. Particular attention was paid to the content analysis of Point X, which dealt with complex national issues of the Austria-Hungarian Monarchy. Some aspects of US propa¬ganda activity in the confrontation with the Central Powers during the final stages of World War I are also explored. The liberal peace program that US President Woodrow Wilson made at the end of the war was only partially implemented, particularly in terms of the political self-determination of nation-states that appeared in the region or expanded territorially as a direct consequence of the collapse of Austria-Hungary. However, the United States, like the Entente states, failed to transform the “chaos” of national aspirations in the region into a Danube Federation, following the example of Switzerland.
Fourteen Points, Woodrow Wilson, propaganda attack, Austria-Hungary, Romanian issue, Danube Federation.

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