Paper title: | NATO’s Historical Challenges and Analysis of its Crises |
DOI: | |
Published in: | Issue 1 (Vol. 28) / 2022 |
Publishing date: | 2022-07-31 |
Pages: | 203-228 |
Author(s): | Sertif Demir, Alper Bahadir Dalmis |
Abstract: | This article analyses the challenges facing NATO that has led to speculation about its decline. NATO has successfully addressed a variety of challenges, risks, and threats from management and other standpoints since its foundation. However, the most recent problems it has faced in the latest years are more serious and may carry the seeds of NATO’s future destruction. Given that some of them come from inside NATO and others from the shifting global order, they have exposed a lack of consistency within NATO. With a focus on the most recent problems that threatened NATO's coherence and contributed to its possible decline, this study aims to look into these issues and NATO's potential decline, using historical facts and processes. Given these challenges, NATO’s future will be dependent largely on internal political cohesion, unity, and transatlantic cooperation. |
Keywords: | NATO, historical challenges, crises, management problems, transatlantic decoupling, political cohesion. |
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