Paper title:
 The Political System of the USA and Challenges in Navigating to a Multicentric World
Published in:
Issue 2 (Vol. 30) / 2024
Publishing date:
465 - 484
Oleksandr G. Tsvietkov, Alla Atamanenko
The global geopolitical shift towards multicentricity, accompanied by major changes in the security landscape due to extensive military operations and international conflicts in several regions, creates serious challenges to preserving world order and the stability of international relations. There has also been a noticeable decline in the effectiveness of regional and global international organisations to address significant global concerns. Under such conditions, the USA remains one of the most powerful forces in the international multifaceted processes. The position of the USA in world affairs and global challenges is strongly influenced by the actions and effectiveness of its political institutions, primarily the Administration and Congress. This article aims to illustrate the impact of the main elements of the American political system, particularly the mechanisms of checks and balances among government branches, on recent developments within the US, particularly its pre-election races, and on a global scale. This investigation explores the impact of political processes in the United States on its foreign policy and its position within the geopolitical landscape. The analysis indicates a growing polarisation of society due to inter-party confrontations during an election year and institutional limitations in addressing essential internal and global issues. As a result, two main directions – hard conservative and left-centrist – have emerged in recent US political events, compelling the entire American society to reflect on the future of its democracy and the effectiveness of its political system.
US political system and institutions, domestic and global issues, challenges of modern multicentre world, international conflicts, geopolitical positioning, international relations.