Paper title:
  Evolution of the Westphalian Order under the Influence of the World Wars: Historical and International Relations Aspects
Published in:
Issue 1 (Vol. 26) / 2020
Publishing date:
Serhiy Troyan, Nataliia Nechaieva-Yuriichuk
The two anniversaries - the centennial of the end of World War I, with the organization of peace conferences, and the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II, with the corresponding 1945 peace conferences and the creation of the United Nations, - have both led the historians to update their studies on the impact of the two global armed conflicts on the world order. The Great War of 1914-1918 and World War II of 1939-1945 have brought substantial transformations on the international arena. They led to the reformation of the whole system of international relations and initiated new structures of the post-war world. The Versailles-Washington system completed the post-war peaceful settlement process and the transition from war to peace, preparing the conditions for the stabilization of a democratic system in the field of international relations. Overall, this order was marked by severe internal contradictions and lasted only two decades. The Yalta-Potsdam Peace System was a significant global result of World War II. It became a key modernization of the Westphalian world order, and four and a half decades later ended the era of its almost 350-year existence. Studying these aspects is vital for minimizing the potential risks and threats in the evolution of the modern system of international relations.
Westphalia, World Order, World War, International System, Versailles-Washington, Yalta-Potsdam, Propaganda, Manipulation, Post-Westphalian.

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