Paper title:
 A Brief Overview of the History of Eastern Europe: a History of the Romanian Consulate in Czernowitz
Published in:
Issue 1 (Vol. 29) / 2023
Publishing date:
217 - 220
Marian Olaru
The author provides a historical overview of the Royal Consulate of Romania in Czernowitz (Cernăuți, now Chernivtsi), as it appears in the work A Royal Consulate in Chernivtsi...: The Royal Consulate of Romania in Chernivtsi – 130 years since its establishment 1892-2022. The Royal Consulate of Romania in Czernowitz was the third Romanian diplomatic institution in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, after the legation in Vienna and the consulate in Budapest. Established in 1892 during an era marked by significant political and national movements, it experienced a gradual evolution from consulate to consulate general in 1905. Its establishment would serve the ethnic communities of Bukovina, located at a great distance from the political-administrative centre of the empire, as well as the development of cultural and economic relations in this part of Eastern Europe. This review summarizes the activities of the Romanian diplomatic service in Chernivtsi throughout two periods of operation: 1892-1916 and 1999-2022.
Bukovina, Royal Consulate of Romania, Czernowitz, international relations, Austro-Hungarian Empire.

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