Paper title:
  Simion Florea Marian and the Legends about the Beginnings of Moldavia
Published in:
Issue 1 (Vol. 25) / 2019
Publishing date:
Cârciumaru Radu
The works of Simion Florea Marian belong to the stage of a full assertion of the Romanian spirituality which found expression in Bukovina in the second half of the nineteenth century. His historical legends, traditions, and mythology written and published over the years have had a great impact on the Romanian culture, influencing the way in which people could value their spiritual heritage. His legacy is most complex, featuring various aspects; hence the historiography dedicated to the scholar Simion Florea Marian should be solid and extensive. In this study, we have aimed to highlight the historical legends of the 13th and 14th centuries and, if possible, to compare them with the Moldavian chronicles, the processes, and events from an important period of the Middle Ages, from the great Mongolian invasions until the completion of the second Romanian mediaeval state. The geographic locations, which are quite precise in the texts Simion Florea Marian put into circulation, have been of great help in our attempt; this is important considering that fragments of his legends intertwine with actual historical events.
Simion Florea Marian, Bukovina, personality, legend, Moldavia, Tatars, geographic location, Dragos, Sas.

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