Paper title:
 A Short Historical Sociology of the Radical Right
Published in:
Issue 1 (Vol. 30) / 2024
Publishing date:
229 - 238
Vlad Gafița
Richard Saull’s work on the far right makes a fundamental contribution to our knowledge of the post-fascist phenomenon in today’s world. Although the book presents itself as a historical sociology of the far-right’s connections with neoliberal ideology and politics in the United States, United Kingdom, and Western Europe, it goes beyond these methodological boundaries, indicating the emergence of a new concept, far-right neoliberalism. Despite the author’s small shift toward a left-wing perspective, R. Saull demonstrates post-fascism’s ability to survive with the Western neoliberal elite and adapt to new political, social, economic, and ideological goals. Furthermore, the extreme right has recast itself as an anti-system force and movement, continuously identifying new actual, imagined, or fabricated adversaries. Post-fascism retains its “traditional” populist and militant elements while remaining within the confines of legality for the time being, not proposing or failing to restructure the societies in which it exists in a totalitarian sense.
anti-system movement, Establishment, far-right neoliberalism, far right, historical sociology, militant features, neoliberalism, populist features, post-fascism, totalitarian.

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