Paper title:
 The Soviet/Russian Propaganda and the Fate ff Lemkos Between the 1920s and the 1940s
Published in:
Issue 2 (Vol. 30) / 2024
Publishing date:
283 - 306
Ihor Lyubchyk
In the article, the author reveals the peculiarities of the ethnopolitical transformations of the ethnographic group – the Lemkos, who lived in the conditions of the Ukrainian-Polish-Slovak ethnic borders. The paper emphasizes the imposition of Soviet/Russian propaganda on the Lemkos. The Soviet/Russian factor remained an important element of ethnopolitics in the context of the aggravation of the foreign influences of the border region at the middle of 20th Century. The author reveals the method of promoting propaganda, through religious, public, informational tools, up to resettlement and later brutal deportation actions, because of which Lemkos lost their ethnic territory forever.
Lemko Region, ethnographic groups, Poland, Moscophiles, ethnopolitics, frontier region.