Paper title:
 Constructing the Soviet Model of the Ukrainian Past: The Historical Image of "Regnum Ruthenorum" During Era of Stalinism
Published in:
Issue 1 (Vol. 30) / 2024
Publishing date:
53 - 78
Nazarii Khrystan
The paper examines how the past of Ukrainian lands was portrayed in Soviet science, culture and ideology during the Stalinist era, focusing on the “Regnum Ruthenorum” state concept. The author explores the meaning of historical heritage displays of the Kingdom of Rus in the pre-war period and the evolution of the political and ideological context during Stalinism. The Soviet Union's past recall relies heavily on the idea of state control over culture. The paper traces the ideological transformation of the term “Regnum Ruthenorum” into “Galicia-Volyn principality” and the academic and ideological omission of the former in Soviet historiography and politics.
Regis Russiae, King Danylo Romanovych, Regnum Ruthenorum, historical heritage, scheme of history, Soviet model, official discourse.

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