Paper title:
  The Thessaloniki Front: the Position of Romania from the Perspective of the Russian Press of autumn 1915
Published in:
Issue 2 (Vol. 25) / 2019
Publishing date:
Sergey P. Kostrikov, Marina A. Shpakovskaya, Andreea Gavrilă
The article discusses the Russian press covering the events on the Thessaloniki (Macedonian) front during the First World War. It is noted that at the beginning of the twentieth century the press became a noticeable phenomenon in the political life of Russia. Massive press campaigns accompanied all major international conflicts of the pre-war period. During the First World War, the press played an extremely important role; it was not only the main source of information but also turned into a powerful means of ideological and political influence. For example, by analysing the perspective of the Russian press on the position of Romania during the First World War and taking into account both the domestic political situation and its relationship with Entente and the Central Powers, the authors demonstrate that the Russian press was an independent and multifaceted source, perfectly capable to accurately portray important events of the international life. For this article, the authors have made use of materials from famous and influential Russian newspapers, such as “Русское Слово” (Russian word), “Новое Время” (New Time), “Речь” (Speech) and the social-political journal “Вестник Европы” (Bulletin of Europe).
First World War, Thessaloniki, Romania, Russian press, front, Balkans.

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