Paper title:
  Konstanty Ostrogski as an Opponent of the Tatars in the Eyes of Polish Historians of the 16th Century
Published in:
Issue 1 (Vol. 25) / 2019
Publishing date:
Milewski Dariusz
The paper discusses the narrative of 16th Century historians - Bernard Wapowski, Justus Ludwik Decjusz, Marcin Bielski, Maciej Stryjkowski, Stanisław Sarnicki, and Alexander Guagnini - on the fights of Prince Konstanty Ostrogski with Tatars from the end of the 15th century until the year 1527. It presents the style of the narration and description of the Hetman of Lithuania, the credibility of the recorded history, and the methods of building an image of a victorious leader, as a paragon for the readers contemporary to these authors.
Konstanty Ostrogski, Tatars, Polish historians, interpretations, 16th Century, Lithuania, Moldavia.

1. Z. Wojtkowiak, Ostrogski Konstanty (ok. 1460-1530) [Ostrogski Konstanty (ca. 1460-1530)], PSB, vol. 24, Wrocław, 1979, p. 486-489.
2. D. Milewski, Konstanty Ostrogski jako przeciwnik Moskwy w oczach XVI-wiecznych dziejopisarzy [Konstanty Ostrogski as an enemy of Muscovy in the eyes of the 16th century historians], “Biblioteka Epoki Nowożytnej” [Library of the Modern Era], 3/II, 2015, p. 97-118.
3. B. Wapowski, Kroniki [Chronicles], ed. J. Szujski, in: Scriptores rerum Polonicarum, vol. 2, Kraków, 1874.
4. J. L. Decjusz, Księga o czasach króla Zygmunta [Book on the times of king Sigismund], Warsaw, 1960.
5. M. Bielski, Kronika Marcina Bielskiego [Chronicle of Marcin Bielski], vol. 2 (books IV, V), ed. K. J. Turowski, Sanok, 1856.
6. M. Stryjkowski, Kronika polska, litewska, żmodzka i wszystkiej Rusi [Chronicle of Poland, Lithuania, Samogitia, and all of Ruthenia], Królewiec, 1582.
7. S. Sarnicki, Annales sive de origine et rebus gestis Polonorum et Lithvanorum, Kraków, 1587.
8. A. Guagnini, Z Kroniki Sarmacyi Europskiey [From the Chronicle of the European Sarmatians], ed. K. J. Turowski, Kraków, 1860.
9. M. Miechowita, Chronica Polonorum, Cracoviae, 1521.
10. M. Nagielski (ed.), Poczet hetmanów Rzeczypospolitej. Hetmani litewscy [Hetmans of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Lithuanian Hetmans], Warsaw 2006.