Paper title:
  The Election Attitudes Among the Polish Minority Inhabiting the Region of Zaolzie in the Czech Republic (1990-2018)
Published in:
Issue 1 (Vol. 26) / 2020
Publishing date:
Radosław Zenderowski
The paper analyses the election activity of the Polish inhabitants of the Zaolzie region (the Czech Republic) in the 1990-2018 period referring to national elections (Lower Chamber of Parliament, Senate, President of the Czech Republic) as well as local and regional elections. The theoretical section offers analyses of national and ethnic minorities as (collective) political actors. The empirical part provides an in-depth analysis of the votes in particular elections, taking into consideration the communes with a significant rate of Polish inhabitants as well as those communes there the Polish ethnos was rather scarce. The eth-nic affiliation has been considered as a vital independent variable of the choices made; however, other variables explaining election behaviour have also been indicated.
Zaolzie, Czech Republic, Polish national minority, elections, politics

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