Paper title: | The Genesis of Bukovina Local Lore Studies during the Austrian Military Rule (1775-1786) |
DOI: | |
Published in: | Issue 2 (Vol. 28) / 2022 |
Publishing date: | 2022-12-31 |
Pages: | 269 – 288 |
Author(s): | Oleksandr Dobrzhanskyi |
Abstract: | This article analyses the first published works dedicated to Bukovinian studies during the military rule of the region in 1775–1786. Bukovina's insights have been recorded in European academic journals, with the help of prominent scientists such as August Ludwig von Schlözer and Friedrich Gottlieb Canzler. The peculiarity of the Bukovinian studies at the time was that the Austrian military or employees of various ranks prepared almost all information materials required by the state's highest officials on specific management decisions rather than publish them in academic or popular journals. Nevertheless, those works served as a necessary foundation for developing local lore research in Bukovina. General major Gabriel Freiherr von Splény’s memos regarding the territory were taken into account, as they documented the region's position throughout the occupation. The works of Major Friedrich von Mieg, Engineer Johann Budinszky, and Nobleman Vasile Balș contain interesting information on Bukovina. Although these reports were kept in the Vienna archives for a long time and were published only after more than a hundred years, in the late 19th century, they are rightfully considered among the first works on local lore studies about Bukovina of the Austrian period. These works contributed to the later development of local lore studies of Bukovina. |
Keywords: | Austria, Bukovina, local lore studies, military administration, Gabriel Freiherr von Splény, Friedrich von Mieg, Vasile Balș, Johann Budinszky |
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