Paper title:
  Polish Research on Bukovina
Published in:
Issue 2 (Vol. 25) / 2019
Publishing date:
Krzysztof Nowak
The article is dedicated to the presentation of Polish historical, ethnological, linguistic and sociological, generally interdisciplinary scientific research of the Bukovina region, separated from Moldova after 1774. For political reasons, these studies could start as fully professional, after the fall of communism, when obstacles to accessing Romanian and Ukrainian archives and travelling from Poland to both sides of Bukovina disappeared. The article describes the reasons for Poles’ interest in Bukovina, which results from the multiculturalism of the region and the phenomenon of tolerance. The starting point for the research was the Polish minority in Bukovina, which migrated to this region like other ethnic groups after 1774. Currently, the topics best approached by Poles are referring to the dialect of Poles in Bukovina, the culture and identity of the Polish Highlanders in Romanian Bukovina and re-migration from Bukovina in Poland, migration and political history of Poles in Bukovina. An important role in the research of Bukovina by Poles is also played by the folklore festivals in Jastrowie, Poland and the “Polish Culture Days” in Suceava, Romania. Unfortunately, there is little professional Polish research on problems not related to the Polish minority.
Polish research, Borderlands, Bukovina, Poles, Historiography, Romania, Ukraine.

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